Handiwork is only an Chinese OEM factory founded in 2006 to supply wool felt products for several foreign trade companies. After three years supply we sets our own design and sales team and makes our debut on Canton Fair of October 2009. Since then we has been continually cooperating with hundreds customers for over 10 years.
In October 2018, Handiwork built a new factory and started our own brand building. We set a new Design Workshop and a 1000 sqm showroom, and to use 5S-management to guarantee the products quality. Besides we also cooperate with other handmade artisan to ensure the capacity. In 2019, we registered the “Wending Craft” as a new brand for our industry and trade company. We love wool felt, Handiwork wants to represent exceptional quality and unparalleled value. (Our vision is to be China’s most beautiful handmade wool felt crafts design company.)